Monday, September 2, 2013

According to,

Presence-1.  the state or fact of being present, as with others or in a place.
                3.  immediate vicinity; proximity:  in the presence of witnesses.

I like these definitions as we move on into our 4th semester and starting the school year with our action research topic in the forefront of our minds.  The experiences of our last year together learning from each other as classmates has given us ideas of what we can do to change in our classrooms.  We have the opportunity to put these ideas into practice from the start within our classrooms.  The presence of these ideas put into action will give us opportunities for us, as teachers, to grow and self-reflect on how or if it fits into our teaching styles. 

From the research that we have done over the summer, we must be mindful of the presence of our students' learning as we are exploring the new ideas put into action.  We are hopeful for the opportunity for growth for ourselves and finding positive results from our students.